• 18 July 2022
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Genova Impresa

ReLOG3P contribution,
Confindustria Genova

#infrastructures for #sustainablemobility: the dossier of the new issue of Genova Impresa of Confindustria Genova is dedicated to the third mission of the #PNRR.
ReLOG3P had the pleasure of giving its contribution, which you can find on pages 38-39 of the magazine: “Through #ReACTProcesses and #ReACTMultimodalityReLOG3P naturally aligns itself not only with the objectives indicated by the #PNRR but, above all, with the vision of the #PhysicalInternet carried out by the project The European Technology Platform (ETP) . This project aims to support the implementation of zero-emission logistics, by 2050, based on truly integrated transport systems, in alignment with the Paris agreement, with the provisions of the #GreenDeal and, ultimately, with the vision and strategies of the NextGen-EU mentioned above”

To read our contribution: https://bit.ly/3NoGfhd