Our strengths and values that
differentiate us from the others...
We believe that “Vision without execution is hallucination” and that “The future cannot be predicted, but it can be invented”.
With our over 30 years of experience in and knowledge of the Logistics and Supply Chain industry, we fully embrace the EU’s vision that “digital technologies are a critical enabler for attaining the sustainability goals of the Green Deal in many sectors” and explicitly, that technologies “such as artificial intelligence […] can accelerate and maximize the impact of policies to deal with climate change and protect the environment, specifically in the areas of [transport and] mobility”

Ethic, Responsible, Secure and Trustworthy Innovation
ReLOG3P works for a rapid and wide deployment of values-based innovation means such as Data Science, AI, IoT, Edge Computing, Blockchain, Digital Twin, quantum computing, to be interpreted and implemented according to the principles of the “Ethic and Responsible Research and Innovation”. Furthermore, “Privacy, Security and Trustworthiness by Design” stands at the base of our innovative products and services.

Standardization, Interoperability, Multimodality & Syncromodality
ReLOG3P sustain the practical development, deployment and adoption of a full, optimized consolidation of the different Logistics transportation modes into a unique and interoperable logistic network (Optimized Multimodality), in line with approaches such as the one proposed by “The Physical Internet” initiative of European Technology Platform (ETP) ALICE (Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe).

Universal Values
ReLOG3P strongly trust and work to build over the Universal Values such as Integrity and Respect, using the “Obligations VS Rights” approach.

Collaboration, Cooperation and Cultural Change
Considering the Logistics as a global ecosystem, which involves and impact several Stakeholders at many level, ReLOG3P believes that no advancement towards a more Sustainable Logistics is possible without a profound cultural change of approach and a strong “Top-Down + Bottom-Up” collaboration among all those Stakeholders. Logistics needs to be considered in its entirety, aiming to improve the whole end-to-end efficiency enhancing the cross collaboration, cooperation and knowledge sharing at local, regional, national and international level, so to shake off the “we have always done in this way” status-quo mindset.
See WHAT we’re offering