Genova 21st October 2022 – United Nations – Here we come!

Last week we had the great opportunity and privilege to be invited participating to the 65th session of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Working Party on Intermodal Transport and Logistics.

We presented our perspective on the “Automation and decent jobs for workforce in freight transport and logistics sector” panel, which has seen also the expert contribution of International Labour Organization, underlining our 3P approach which identify us already from our name: when talking about sustainability, we cannot do without considering, as a whole, the Social, Environmental and Economical aspects of our businesses and lives. It is fundamental for us that the workforce (in our as well as in any other industry and societal aspect) relates to automation (innovation) “for good”: INNOVATION FOR WORKFORCE and NOT INNOVATION OR WORKFORCE.
Thus: innovation to be exclusively seen as a (powerful) mean to support the workforce and, more in general, PEOPLE+PLANET+PROSPERITY, in fostering healthier and safer jobs and providing continuous professional and personal growth opportunities, i.e. reducing the interactions between man & machines, relieving from dangerous or heavy jobs, increasing health in workplaces reducing air and noise pollution, reducing traffic and accidents. In a final instance, to foster the “no-harm” and the “human in the loop” principles about innovation (i.e., read https://lnkd.in/dEC5qrMF and https://lnkd.in/dpnE6wsq).

Not to forget: according to World Economic Forum, more than 1 billion people need to be reskilled by 2030 following the introduction of innovative tools (ref. https://lnkd.in/gtCpXB3) and, in Transport and Logistics, this translates in 70% of Logistics Professionals at risk of obsolescence by 2027 according to the joint study by AssiTerminal Associazione Italiana Ports & Terminals Operators and Ranstad Group here: https://lnkd.in/dAybtqxu.
We are tackling all the above by means of ReACT, our aggregating platform that allows our Customers to build a 360-degree, seamless journey towards real end-to-end, interconnected, interoperable, transparent and, most of all Sustainable Global Logistics.
By means of Wiki-Logi, Academy, Processes and Multimodaliy, we help Customers to actively use INNOVATION FOR WORKFORCE, and, with regards to the “decent workforce” subject, we provide direct contribution to the SDGs 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 17.